Feed additives

Agent for all aspects of basic and functional additive products.

Feed formulation services

Animal Nutrition Master Team,
Provide feed formula calculation and adjustment services,
Provide the most appropriate nutritional advice based on the pig breed and environment on the customer's farm.

Customized ingredient service

Buhler mixer imported from Switzerland,
Provide small batches of customized concentrates.
Instantly tailor-made exclusive concentrate formulas based on needs.

Feed additives

All aspects of basic,
Functional additive product agent.

Feed formulation services

The animal nutrition master's team provides feed formula calculation and adjustment services.
Provide the most appropriate nutritional advice based on the pig breed and environment on the customer's farm.

Customized ingredient service

B uhler mixer imported from Switzerland provides small batches of customized concentrates.
Instantly tailor-made exclusive concentrate formulas based on needs.